1. help desk is a resource intended to provide the customer or end user with information and support related to a company’s or institution’s products and services.
  2. Customer service,Operator,Call center.
  3. -Flexible capacity. have the skills to operate a manufacturing item at different rating or scale.

          -Capabilities. Able to manage and help yout IT problems.

          -Focus on core business competencies. Outsourcing IT allows you to be more             careful with whatever you’re handling with such as yout core business.

4.Culture. Your staff may need to adjust to using a third party provider.                           However, if managed correctly, there should be a seamless transition.

           Quality. Many people may be concerned about quality, or if the provider is                   not professional enough.

          Security. Cybersecurity and privacy is a key issue, you need to be sure your                  provider is trusted and takes security seriously.